We had a project in my ICS 211 class that involved creating a linked list that would store nodes containing employee information. When the application would run, the user would be able to add employees and add them to the linked list as nodes. The program also needed to print all of the employees in the list recursively. I also added a couple of other functions not specified in the original assignment to add more functionality to the program, as if it were to be used in a Human Resources setting.
This is one of the more difficult projects I have done. I struggled a lot with understanding how a linked list worked, and how to make each employee node point to the next. I also had a hard time with understanding how to implement recursion in regards to the linked list. In addition, I overestimated my abilities and understanding of the material that I needed to implement, so I put the assignment off for much longer than I should have.
In the end I was able to implement the linked list and gain a good understanding of how pointers work within a progam. I was also able to better my understanding of recursion. This project taught me that I need to start early on assignments so I have ample time to understand and implement whatever is needed, without stressing. I need to approach assignments with a level head without bouts of overconfidence.
I uploaded the code for this project to Github, and the repository for this project is here.